Helpful Tips for Bulk Certification Verification

If you experience any difficulty or error while uploading your candidate file, please check for these possible causes:

  • Make sure that your spreadsheet is saved as a “.csv” file, as opposed to “.xls” or other format. This can be corrected by opening your file, selecting “Save as,” and changing the “Save file type” option to “CSV.”
  • Check that your file has fewer than 1,000 candidates. Any number greater than this can cause a problem with the upload. If you have more than 1,000, please separate your file into smaller files and upload them separately.
  • If your file failed to upload, please check that it has been saved and closed before re-trying. A file left open can can cause a failure.

If none of these common issues are the cause, please visit our Help Center for assistance.

Select the CSV file containing the data for verification and click Upload.


Select the fields to match on the provided CSV file.